Thursday, November 28, 2019

FCAPs Essays - Latin Alphabets, English Phonology,

FCAPS Doug Farnsworth Network Management Abstr?ct ?obv?ous ?rror, Conf?gur?t?on, Account?ng, P?rform?nc?, ?nd S?cur?ty?, FCAPS ?s th? k?y conc?pt us?d to ch?r?ct?r?s? th? ov?r?ll funct?on?l?ty of ?n ?nt?rpr?s? ?dm?n?str?t?on syst?m. Th? ?d of FCAPS st?ms ?x?ctly from ITU.T r?comm?nd?t?ons th?t r?counts th? f?v? d?st?nct k?nds of d?t? m?n?g?d by m?n?g?m?nt sch?m?s FCAPS Introduct?on FCAPS ?s ? m?n?g?m?nt ?nd sup?rv?s?on solut?on th?t follows th? Int?rn?t?on?l T?l?commun?c?t?ons Un?on. Th? ITU d?f?n?d th? TMN ?rch?t?ctur? (T?l?commun?c?t?on M?n?g?m?nt N?twork) ?n 1988. How?v?r th?s mod?l ?s ornt?d to T?l?commun?c?t?on ?nd N?twork ?nd FCAPS ?s mor? th?n ? N?twork M?n?g?r but should b? sn ?s ?n Inform?t?on Syst?m Sup?rv?sor ?nd M?n?g?r. D?v?c?s sup?rv?s?d by FCAPS ?nclud? syst?ms ?nd s?rv?rs, n?twork d?v?c?s, pr?nt?rs, ?ndustrl p?r?ph?r?ls ?tc. D?scuss?on F?ult D?t?ct?on ?s th? f?rst go?l of FPA. Th? hug? numb?r of hlth ?nd?c?tor to sup?rv?s? ?n ?n Inform?t?on Syst?m ?s ?mposs?bl? w?thout ? c?ntr?l?z? solut?on th?t coll?ct ?nd d?spl?y thos? ?nd?c?tors (Andr?w, 2002). FCAPS prov?d?s f?rst ? conv?nnt w?y of v?rtu?lly stor?ng th? d?v?c?s to m?n?g?. Th?y ?r? cl?ss?fd ?n ? book or d?r?ct?ons tr structur? th?t ?s compl?t?ly concv?d by th? m?n?g?r th?r?for? th? structur? ?s ?lw?ys w?ll ?ccl?m?t?z?d to th? comp?ny ?nfr?structur? or org?n?z?t?on. V?su?l curr?nt st?tus of d?v?c?s ?s d?spl?y?d ?n ?lmost rl t?m? ?n th? d?r?ctory but ?lso on gr?ph?c?l IP M?p (th? Int?rn?twork MAP) or ?n org?n?z?t?on?l vw (Act?v? Vw). Th? F?ult D?t?ct?on w?th FCAPS ?s v?ry f?st b?c?us? th? f?ulty d?v?c? or ?ppl?c?t?on ?s p?npo?nt?d by ?ts color ?n ? bl?nk of ?n ?y?. Add?t?on?l progr?ms c?ll?d Plug-?n prov?d?d oth?r w?ys for f?ult d?t?ct?on. Among th?s? on? : Proc?ss Surv?yor d?t?ct f?ulty or m?ss?ng proc?ss?s und?r W?ndows or Un?x, Bulk Thr?shold Control d?t?cts ?n y ch?ng?s or ?ncorr?ct v?lu?s ?n th? SNMP MIB obj?cts, Bulk TCP pull?r d?t?cts unr?spond?ng TCP ports ?tc. M?jor Funct?on?l Ars F?ult F?ult ?dm?n?str?t?on ?s ? s?t of purpos?s wh?ch ?ndows th? d?t?ct?on, ?sol?t?on ?nd corr?ct?on of ?bnorm?l proc?dur? of th? t?l?commun?c?t?on m?sh ?nd ?ts ?nv?ronm?nt. F?ult m?n?g?m?nt ?nsur?s th?t s?rv?c? cont?nu?s ?vl?bl?. Conf?gur?t?on m?n?g?m?nt Conf?gur?t?on ?dm?n?str?t?on prov?d?s purpos?s to workout comm?nd ov?r, r?cogn?s?, coll?ct f?cts ?nd f?gur?s from ?nd prov?d? f?cts ?nd f?gur?s to NEs. Account?ng M?n?g?m?nt Account?ng M?n?g?m?nt ?ndows th? ?st?m?t?on of th? us? of n?twork s?rv?c?s ?nd th? conclus?on of costs to th? s?rv?c? prov?d?r ?nd ?ll?g?t?ons to th? clnt?l? for such us?. It ?lso c?rrs th? conclus?on of ch?rg?s for s?rv?c?s. P?rform?nc? M?n?g?m?nt P?rform?nc? ?dm?n?str?t?on ?ng?g?s th? p?r?od?c coll?ct?on of v?lu? of s?rv?c? m?tr?cs QOS th?t d?st?nu?sh th? pr?s?nt?t?on of th? m?sh ?nd sch?m? r?sourc?. On? of ?ts go?l ?s to f?nd n?twork cong?st?on ?nd bottl?n?cks ?nd m?n?m?z?d th?m by subs?qu?nt ?ct?on. S?cur?ty M?n?g?m?nt S?cur?ty M?n?g?m?nt should m?n?m?z? un?uthor?z?d or un?nt?nt?on?l g?t ?cc?ss to to n?twork comm?nd funct?ons. S?cur?ty m?n?g?m?nt funct?ons dls w?th ?nsur?ng l?g?t?m?t? us?, mntn?ng conf?d?ntl?ts, d?t? ?nt?gr?ty ?nd ?ud?t ?b?l?ty (M?rsh?ll, 1990). Th? loc?l?z?t?on of th? f?ult ?s obv?ous w?th th? MAP d?spl?y (th? r?spons?bl? ?qu?pm?nt ?s r?d color?d) ?nd w?th th? Hl Control C?nt?r th?t f?lt?rs d?v?c?s by ?ts loc?t?on ?n th? d?r?ctory ?nd by ?ts curr?nt st?tus. Furth?rmor?, for hug? n?tworks w?th hundr?ds of nod?s ? srch tool h?lps to f?nd ? d?v?c? ?n th? d?r?ctory or on th? MAP. Act?ons c?n b? t?k?n on st?tus ch?ng? ?nd st?rt ? dgnost?c tool d?d?c?t?d to th? ?ncr?m?n?t?d d?v?c?. Th? v?r?f?c?t?on of conn?ct?v?ty ?s ?vl?bl? ?v?rywh?r? ?n th? GUI by s?mpl? p?ng or SNMP r?qu?st or w?th ?dv?nc?d dgnost?c tools l?k? our gr?ph?c?l Tr?c? Rout? or th? P?th Tr?c? tool. To f?nd f?ults ?n Sw?tch ?nd Br?dg? n?twork ?rch?t?ctur? us?ng th? sp?nn?ng Tr ?lgor?thm us th? Sp?nn?ng Tr Br?dg? MAP plug-?n. Import?nc? Th? loc?l?z?t?on of th? f?ult ?s obv?ous w?th th? MAP d?spl?y (th? r?spons?bl? ?qu?pm?nt ?s r?d color?d) ?nd w?th th? Hlth Control C?nt?r th?t f?lt?rs d?v?c?s by ?ts loc?t?on ?n th? d?r?ctory ?nd by ?ts curr?nt st?tus. Furth?rmor?, for hug? n?tworks w?th hundr?ds of nod?s ? srch tool h?lps to f?nd ? d?v?c? ?n th? d?r?ctory or on th? MAP. Act?ons c?n b? t?k?n on st?tus ch?ng? ?nd st?rt ? dgnost?c tool d?d?c?t?d to th? ?ncr?m?n?t?d d?v?c?. Th? v?r?f?c?t?on of conn?ct?v?ty ?s ?vl?bl? ?v?rywh?r? ?n th? GUI by s?mpl? p?ng or SNMP r?qu?st or w?th ?dv?nc?d dgnost?c tools l?k? our gr?ph?c?l Tr?c? Rout? or th? P?th Tr?c? tool. R?f?r?nc?s Marshall T. Rose, (1990) ?The Open Book? (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, (2002) ?Computer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Power As A Theme In Aeschylus Orestia

Power As A Theme In Aeschylus Orestia Power and its Effect What is power? Its meaning has been explored and subject to interpretation by many cultures, starting with early civilization. Power always plays a crucial role in any society, and dictates the future of that society and the members of that society. The usual reason for the collapse of a society is a group or persons want for power, and the lengths to which they will go to achieve this power. Hence, "the desire for power is the catalyst for tragedy." This was the case in Aeschylus's The Oresteia.English: Orestes slaying AegisthusIn the first two plays of The Orestia, Aeschylus explored the theme of power and the emotions behind the desire to control. Although Aeschylus lived during 458 B.C., and the play is set in the recesses of ancient Greek mythology, it's tale still has relevance today. Clytaemestra, driven by jealousy and envy, murdered her husband Agamemnon to claim the throne for herself in The Agamemnon. Much like Agamemnon's distraught son, Orestes, who revenges his father's death in The Libation Bearers by killing Clytaemestra and Aegisthus. The desire for power, which Agamemnon and Orestes experienced, is a catalyst for tragedy. Power the most important component in any societies, or family's political structure. And people's desire for power in either structure can create extreme consequences. Clytaemestra murdered Agamemnon with little emotion, driven by her desire for the attention she never received, and jealous of the power he possessed as a ruler. After the murder Clytaemestra banished Orestes from Argos, afraid that he would some day challenge her possession of the throne, and take back that which was rightfully his. Her fears were brought to life in The Libation Bearers when Orestes returns to morn for his father, and in a state of great anger and torment,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Part of Report of Strategic HRM in Mater Hill Hospital Essay

Part of Report of Strategic HRM in Mater Hill Hospital - Essay Example At the same time, employees are becoming attracted to the element of control. For example, at the moment, most employees prefer to exercise some degree of influence over when and how they work. If implemented effectively, e-rostering can create safer, sound, and more dynamic schedules (Sharma & Goyal 2013: 65). In spite of these benefits, research and the experiences of nurses show that e-rostering can also be exploited by management as a way of discouraging employees and limiting their potential (Maitland & Thomson 2014: 16). In fact, despite the limited effectiveness of modern systems, they are the precursors to more advanced systems that will completely revolutionise how nurses work. However, the final resting position of the pendulum will determine whether such a transformation will benefit or hinder the effective execution of nursing processes. According to Mello (2014: 35), manual scheduling mechanisms have occasionally failed to meet expected staffing standards. This has opened the door for e-rostering, which is viewed as a solution to this problem (Vincent & Beduz 2014: 57). In spite of this, a professional (nursing) standpoint reveals that e-rostering creates some dilemmas that must be handled discretely to avoid compromising the potential benefits of the system (Mcdonnell 2012: 1 508). Some of these dilemmas include inflexibility, fairness, borderlines between staffing and rostering levels, incorporating changes that are made after the approval of the schedule, and whether promote employee empowerment or managerial control (Smith 2014: 193). In reality, e-scheduling alone cannot improve nursing outcomes. It can, however, develop trust to comprehend the challenges confronting nurses and establish how best practices in nursing care can be instituted (Watson 2014: 150). According to Cushway (2014: 38), e-rostering systems enable nurses to design schedules by supporting numerous vital functions,